Saturday, January 29, 2011


Racism is defined as discrimination against or antagonism against members of another race for no reason other than who they are.

Racism exists for many reasons. One reason may be because it is simply passed down through tradition. As a result, children are taught by their parents to hate other races. It is then passed on to the next generation.

Another reason racism exists is because of fear. What fear are we talking about? The fear that we are more alike than we are different and that the people that you were taught to hate are just like you except for their skin color or natural origin. The easiest way to deal with this fact is to simply be racists.

Racism could exists beause of the financial benefits enjoyed by one race who wants to stifle fair competition in the disadvantaged race.  Using racism, you exclude this class of people from competing for a piece of the economic pie.  This economic pie is more than just money.  It is the holding of certain desirable, powerful positions, offices, sports positions, or any position that would tend to show that the disadvantaged race is just as smart and capable as the race that discriminates. Racism helps maintain the status quo.

Racism may exist by design. There is a certain segment of society that wants racism to continue in America and does everything that can be done to ensure that the American people never get along. Why would people purposefully do things that encourage racism?  They do so because they make money and have a position as long as racism exists.  The "they" we are talking about are Activists.  If no racism, then there is no hatred, no monies for racially based causes, no activists.

Another reason that people may want racism and purposefully do things to encourage racism is to prevent the mixing of races.  This mixing may mean equaling everyone to a level playing field, but it also is by design to prevent sexual interactions. The worry here is that one race or the other will be wiped out by the dominant gene pool of one race or the other.

Some people will make the argument that racism exists simply because it is part of human nature.  That racism has existed for generations and it can't be overcome.  Is there any validity to this? What if ten different babies of ten different races end up on a shipwrecked island and they were able to survive with no adult supervision or outside communications?  Would racism exist?  The answer is probably not.

Racism may exist because it allows one race to hide its shortcomings by pointing to the deficiencies of another race.

The President, along with the help of his "Commission for Unity" must work from these premises above and know that racism can and will be overcome beause we can no longer let it fester and be the sore that it has been in America.  It is time to drain our sore so that we can be healed.  The way to drain it is to be honest with yourself, each other and to talk honestly about it. We can cure racism if we want to.

What is the benefit of curing racism? Everyone will have a higher quality of life and freedom. We will be able to get the most out of all races and thus be more productive as a country.  We will feel better.  It will be easier for us to have a common vision and work toward a common goal, i.e. the betterment of America.

Mr. Unity

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