Blacks have and continue to use old methods in a new world. The most often used method being marches to appeal to the inner consciousness of Whites. This does not work because most Whites under the age of 50 (most White Americans) were not active participants in racial discrimination. What this means is that all of the Whites still alive and were active participants in promoting policies of racial segregation and discrimination at the time of King's death will be dead in about twenty years. So Whites under the age of 50 don't feel guilty about what has happened to Blacks because they did not cause it directly. Instead, they feel disgusted for being blamed for something that they did not do.
Blacks have spent and continue to spend too much time trying to change the way Whites feel and respond to Blacks.
Worse yet, Blacks have confused Civil Rights with economic rights. There is no such thing as economic rights. We live in a capitalistic society. The American way is Darwinism. He who is the most economically fit wins. There is no constitutional right to jobs and promotions. Yet, Civil Rights leaders and proponents of the Civil Rights movement continue to teach weak minded Blacks that they have some God given right to the same percentage of jobs on all levels of management in direct proportion to the percentage of Blacks that make up the community where a company or factory is located. The recent perceived success in the Texaco Case and boycott perpituates this erroneous thinking and strategy.
Blacks have to get rid of anyone who calls himself a Civil Rights leader. The reason is because these leaders are not representative of Black people in the 21th century. Although they like the limelight of television, they are adding to the destruction of Blacks. These Civil Rights leaders and the Civil Rights movement continues to brainwash generation after generation of Blacks that they are the victims of the evil White man. So what you have now in America are generations of lazy, weak, pathetic, poor, crabs in a crab bucket, dumb, uneducated, crime and violence perpetrating, dope smoking, single, renting instead of owning, non-product producing, ashamed of being Black, non-business owning, non-competitive Black people.
Now lets put this movement into a 21st century perspective. When Martin Luther King, Jr. was alive, he wrote one of the best inspirational speeches in modern times called, "
I have a Dream." Before he died he adopted a song entitled, "
We Shall Overcome." After King's death, Ralph Abernathy said, "We shall Overcome." Joseph Lowery said, "We Shall Overcome." Jesse Jackson said, "We Shall Overcome." (Okay he also said, "Keep Hope Alive"). Hosea Williams said, "We Shall Overcome". Dick Gregory said, "We Shall Overcome." Even today, after every King celebration, you see Blacks across this nation linking hands and singing that same old, tired song.
Again, why do Blacks do this? The reason is because Blacks haven't had anyone tell them the whole formula for achieving their destiny in America.
The formula is: "We have a dream, that we shall overcome, by working together lovingly as one, to accomplish all the things in the Black race that need to be done, so that we can achieve the highest level of technology and spirituality possible, until Jesus returns."
Mr. Unity