Wednesday, October 10, 2012


     It is time to wean Blacks off of this bottle. Affirmative Action divides this country and ending this division outweighs any small positive effect that it still may have. America is about building character. It is not about giving a position or promotion or loan solely based on a person's color. Sure Whites may be using a reverse discrimination argument, but unfortunately it is true. Affirmative Action is a form of discrimination and does promote racism toward Whites. 

     America is the land of opportunity. But opportunity must be earned. There are no free rides. It is time for Blacks to end the mindset that they can't do anything without the help of the government. Blacks will never display the kind of mental toughness they need if they don't get rid of the crutch of Affirmative Action.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


     The problem with immigration is not illegal immigrants, but rather the fact that we as a nation do not want any more immigrants. There are a number of ways that this issue could be solved once a decision is made that we are going to do what is right for the immigrants that are already here.

      The simplest way to deal with this issue is as outlined in the book, "Unity: The Top Priority of America's Next President" which can be purchased on as an Ebook.

     In a nutshell, you allow all immigrants currently here to apply for citizenship immediately within the next 90 days if they are over 18 yrs old and have not committed any felony. If under 18 yrs old and been in the country for at least 120 days then automatic citizenship. If any immigrant does not apply within the 90 days, must apply from U.S. Consulate in native country.

     You issue certain kinds of ID's and list mandatory requirements that must be met as outlined in "Unity: The Top Priority of America's Next President"

Sunday, February 6, 2011


     Can you imagine never tasting Chinese Food.  Never dancing Salsa.  What about never hearing disco or savoring the "Motown Sound"?  Would the nation ever have had soul? Ever had a taste for nachos and other Mexican food?  No Cinco De Mayo? What if you never got to wear an Italian suit or drive a Ferrari?  I love spaghetti and meatballs and mobster movies.

     Give me a little bit of Country and a little of Rock and Roll.  I like sushi and Nissan 280 Z's.  Don't take away my Kung Fu.  Sometimes I just want to hear some classical music to soothe my nerves.  What if there were no Arabian Nights, the flavor of the Middle East.

There is nothing wrong with pale faces and 'Gone With The Wind'.  While White is not always right, some of them can jump and even dance.  I'll take a blond, brunette or red head.

You mean no Black athletes? No pro sport would be as competitive including golf. Well, I forgot about Lacrosse.

     I like celebrating St. Patrick's day.  Green looks good on me. I keep a four leaf clover in my dash pocket.  What if you never saw a person from India.  Who would win spelling bees and solve math problems? I don't understand Hinduism, but these people don't bother me so I don't bother them.

Qui, Qui, give me a French kiss.  I love hearing French people talk. I like the bread too.

     What if you never heard the voice and songs of people from the Carribean?  Ever watched them dance to reggae?  The dances are so sexual.  If anything gets your blood boiling, this does.

     I don't want to become Sweden?  All of us make up America. I like seeing all kinds of people all the time. Yeah, I don't like the music or the dress of some of the cultures, but I like the ability of seeing them and making up my mind. While I would never wear my hair in the fashion of some other cultures or even my own, it is still fun to see them. I love seeing the different shades of  skin color.  

     What has made us a great nation is our diversity.  We get the best of all cultures.  In the beginning, we got technology from people who defected way back in World War II.  What if Einstein had not worked with us.  There would not be individual nations but one country, Germany.  We have always been a nation of acceptance.

     Take away our diversity and you take away our edge.  The crack down on immigration is threatening to do just that.  Just because we are under a little economic pressure, we think that taking it out on the immigrants will make a difference, but it won't. The jobs that they do, none of us want to do. Our kids certainly don' t want to do them either.

 We are who we are.  We can't be anything else except the land of the many different peoples and the land of the free if we call ourselves Americans.  I love America which means I love all people.

Mr. Unity

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Racism is defined as discrimination against or antagonism against members of another race for no reason other than who they are.

Racism exists for many reasons. One reason may be because it is simply passed down through tradition. As a result, children are taught by their parents to hate other races. It is then passed on to the next generation.

Another reason racism exists is because of fear. What fear are we talking about? The fear that we are more alike than we are different and that the people that you were taught to hate are just like you except for their skin color or natural origin. The easiest way to deal with this fact is to simply be racists.

Racism could exists beause of the financial benefits enjoyed by one race who wants to stifle fair competition in the disadvantaged race.  Using racism, you exclude this class of people from competing for a piece of the economic pie.  This economic pie is more than just money.  It is the holding of certain desirable, powerful positions, offices, sports positions, or any position that would tend to show that the disadvantaged race is just as smart and capable as the race that discriminates. Racism helps maintain the status quo.

Racism may exist by design. There is a certain segment of society that wants racism to continue in America and does everything that can be done to ensure that the American people never get along. Why would people purposefully do things that encourage racism?  They do so because they make money and have a position as long as racism exists.  The "they" we are talking about are Activists.  If no racism, then there is no hatred, no monies for racially based causes, no activists.

Another reason that people may want racism and purposefully do things to encourage racism is to prevent the mixing of races.  This mixing may mean equaling everyone to a level playing field, but it also is by design to prevent sexual interactions. The worry here is that one race or the other will be wiped out by the dominant gene pool of one race or the other.

Some people will make the argument that racism exists simply because it is part of human nature.  That racism has existed for generations and it can't be overcome.  Is there any validity to this? What if ten different babies of ten different races end up on a shipwrecked island and they were able to survive with no adult supervision or outside communications?  Would racism exist?  The answer is probably not.

Racism may exist because it allows one race to hide its shortcomings by pointing to the deficiencies of another race.

The President, along with the help of his "Commission for Unity" must work from these premises above and know that racism can and will be overcome beause we can no longer let it fester and be the sore that it has been in America.  It is time to drain our sore so that we can be healed.  The way to drain it is to be honest with yourself, each other and to talk honestly about it. We can cure racism if we want to.

What is the benefit of curing racism? Everyone will have a higher quality of life and freedom. We will be able to get the most out of all races and thus be more productive as a country.  We will feel better.  It will be easier for us to have a common vision and work toward a common goal, i.e. the betterment of America.

Mr. Unity

Thursday, January 20, 2011


President Obama has taken the reigns of the country at a time when it is composed of more factions than ever.  Each of these factions have their own agenda which they are trying to promote to the exclusion of everyone else.  These factions are headed by activists, politicians, church leaders, people who represent foreign interests, lobbyists for various groups, and possibly hidden groups who specialize in division.

Of course a house divided by itself cannot stand.  This has led to an atmosphere of constant bickering and positioning for power and governmental monies.  It has also led to an environment of oversensitivity caused by anyone trying to tell the truth instead of being politically correct.  It is hard to feel a sense of loyalty and pride in being an American.

While all this is going on, Americans in general are experiencing a lower standard of living as people have less and less wealth.  Our productivity has decreased.  Innovations in both technical and social areas have decreased.  The American dream is becoming a nightmare.

America suffers from the "boiling frog syndrome."  Place a frog in water and slowly but steadily increase the temperature and the frog will not jump out but will boil to death.  Because America has been such a resilient country, this is now happening to us.  Things are slowly and steadily getting worse and just like the frog we are dying as a country and because it is slow, we are not realizing it until it is too late.

IT IS TIME TO JUMP START AMERICA.  IT MUST BEGIN WITH THE PRESIDENT UNIFYING AMERICA.  To deal with the real issues that affect Americans, We have to define what America is, what we want her to be and what is best for America (her people).

THE WAY TO UNIFY AMERICA is to deal directly with the areas that separate us.  THESE AREAS ARE RACIAL, RELIGIOUS AND SEXUAL.  The reason why we can't deal with the myriad of other issues is because we can't get past these three.  They confuse us and bring out the worse in us.  They keep us from thinking clearly.  The reason that these issues have lingered for so long is because no one has had the courage nor insight to deal with them before.  This has especially been the case when it came to the President who has been as deunifying as any of the other factions.

Now is the time for action.  It is the time for change.  It is the time to have what we expect of the President, leadership, by example.

To unify America, the President must take some risks.  While we are all these factions consisting of multiracial, religious, sexual orientations, cultures, national origins, languages and agendas, the President must establish a one nation, I love America mentality.

These factions must be taught to be not only tolerant of each other, but to empathize up to the point that we get the best out of each other for the good of each other.  The only way this is going to happen is to get an understanding of how and why these racial, religious and sexual factions came about and continue to exist.  Then and only then can we coalesce as a people.

Mr. Unity

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Negative Impact of the Civil Rights Movement: Part 2

Blacks have and continue to use old methods in a new world.  The most often used method being marches to appeal to the inner consciousness of Whites.  This does not work because most Whites under the age of 50 (most White Americans) were not active participants in racial discrimination.  What this means is that all of the Whites still alive and were active participants in promoting policies of racial segregation and discrimination at the time of King's death will be dead in about twenty years.  So Whites under the age of 50 don't feel guilty about what has happened to Blacks because they did not cause it directly.  Instead, they feel disgusted for being blamed for something that they did not do.

Blacks have spent and continue to spend too much time trying to change the way Whites feel and respond to Blacks.

Worse yet, Blacks have confused Civil Rights with economic rights.  There is no such thing as economic rights.  We live in a capitalistic society.  The American way is Darwinism.  He who is the most economically fit wins.  There is no constitutional right to jobs and promotions.  Yet, Civil Rights leaders and proponents of the Civil Rights movement continue to teach weak minded Blacks that they have some God given right to  the same percentage of jobs on all levels of management in direct proportion to the percentage of Blacks that make up the community where a company or factory is located.  The recent perceived success in the Texaco Case and boycott perpituates this erroneous thinking and strategy.

Blacks have to get rid of anyone who calls himself a Civil Rights leader.  The reason is because these leaders are not representative of Black people in the 21th century.  Although they like the limelight of television, they are adding to the destruction of Blacks.  These Civil Rights leaders and the Civil Rights movement continues to brainwash generation after generation of Blacks that they are the victims of the evil White man.  So what you have now in America are generations of lazy, weak, pathetic, poor, crabs in a crab bucket, dumb, uneducated, crime and violence perpetrating, dope smoking, single, renting instead of owning, non-product producing, ashamed of being Black, non-business owning, non-competitive Black people.

Now lets put this movement into a 21st century perspective.  When Martin Luther King, Jr. was alive, he wrote one of the best inspirational speeches in modern times called, "I have a Dream."  Before he died he adopted a song entitled, "We Shall Overcome."  After King's death, Ralph Abernathy said, "We shall Overcome."  Joseph Lowery said, "We Shall Overcome."  Jesse Jackson said, "We Shall Overcome." (Okay he also said, "Keep Hope Alive").  Hosea Williams said, "We Shall Overcome".  Dick Gregory said, "We Shall Overcome."  Even today, after every King celebration, you see Blacks across this nation linking hands and singing that same old, tired song.

Again, why do Blacks do this?  The reason is because Blacks haven't had anyone tell them the whole formula for achieving their destiny in America.

The formula is: "We have a dream, that we shall overcome, by working together lovingly as one, to accomplish all the things in the Black race that need to be done, so that we can achieve the highest level of technology and spirituality possible, until Jesus returns."

Mr. Unity

Sunday, January 9, 2011

State of the Union Speech

It is the time of year when the President addresses the nation on issues that affect all Americans.  In his "State of the Union Speech" he should cover the pressing issues and state the ways in which these issues should be resolved.

Over the years, these speeches have lacked substance and at best have been "politically correct."  Most Americans are tired of the same old speeches.  You can't remember what President said what.  The President sets the tone in these speeches that the Congress and the Private Sector should follow.

Here is a suggested speech that should have been given in 2009 and is even more appropriate in 2011.

This speech is on youtube and is in 3 parts due to youtube limitations.  The total of all 3 parts is around 20 minutes and deals with all the issues and gives solutions to them.  PLEASE SPREAD THE CONTENT OF THIS SPEECH EVERYWHERE AROUND THE NATION SO THAT POLITICIANS HAVE SOMETHING TO WORK WITH.

Mr. Unity