Wednesday, October 10, 2012


     It is time to wean Blacks off of this bottle. Affirmative Action divides this country and ending this division outweighs any small positive effect that it still may have. America is about building character. It is not about giving a position or promotion or loan solely based on a person's color. Sure Whites may be using a reverse discrimination argument, but unfortunately it is true. Affirmative Action is a form of discrimination and does promote racism toward Whites. 

     America is the land of opportunity. But opportunity must be earned. There are no free rides. It is time for Blacks to end the mindset that they can't do anything without the help of the government. Blacks will never display the kind of mental toughness they need if they don't get rid of the crutch of Affirmative Action.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


     The problem with immigration is not illegal immigrants, but rather the fact that we as a nation do not want any more immigrants. There are a number of ways that this issue could be solved once a decision is made that we are going to do what is right for the immigrants that are already here.

      The simplest way to deal with this issue is as outlined in the book, "Unity: The Top Priority of America's Next President" which can be purchased on as an Ebook.

     In a nutshell, you allow all immigrants currently here to apply for citizenship immediately within the next 90 days if they are over 18 yrs old and have not committed any felony. If under 18 yrs old and been in the country for at least 120 days then automatic citizenship. If any immigrant does not apply within the 90 days, must apply from U.S. Consulate in native country.

     You issue certain kinds of ID's and list mandatory requirements that must be met as outlined in "Unity: The Top Priority of America's Next President"